Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Support our troops? Not if they're as crazy as this guy

Taliban storming ashore at Wreck Beach? Crazy, you say? Well, not according to Brigadier-General David Fraser, Canadian head of NATO forces in Afghanistan. "The Taliban are a threat to nations around the world, including our own," says the general, according to an article in this morning's Globe. He added ominously, "I don't want my sons to be doing what I'm doing here on the shores of Canada."

The irrationality of the general's comments is disturbing. If this is the way the man who leads NATO forces thinks, we may have a bigger problem than we thought.

Opponents of our mission have been careful to insist that while they may want our troops out of Afghanistan, they wholeheartedly support them nonetheless. Political correctness demands as much. But if General Fraser's paranoid observations reflect our military's thinking on the war effort, maybe that support deserves rethinking.


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