Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Matriarchist apologizes

Mea culpa.

To all those readers of my blog whose comments have not been posted, I apologize abjectly. When I signed up with Blogger, I understood that if I received a comment I would be informed by email. I never got any emails, so I assumed I wasn't getting any comments, so I never checked the "Moderate comments" section. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Anyway, I finally did click on "Moderate comments" out of curiosity and to my chagrin, and delight, a long list of unmoderated comments appeared waiting on my godlike decision to publish or reject. I know this is a field where "better late than never" doesn't apply but, riddled with guilt, I worked my way back through a few months. So, belatedly, excepting the very few derogatory efforts (I don't do insult journalism), most not-too-ancient comments are now published.

Please forgive a beginner (well ... more or less) for a rookie mistake. I promise to diligently check my "Moderate comments" from now on. And many thanks for your interest.


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