Saturday, June 10, 2006

British business goes green -- how refreshing

Business people demand greater effort in fighting global warming. Oh, if only we heard those welcome words in North America.

Executives of 14 top British companies, including Tesco, Shell and B&Q, wrote Prime Minister Tony Blair a letter calling for stricter limits on industrial greenhouse gas emissions. They insisted government regulation of emissions was necessary to encourage green technologies. The letter stated, "The scientific evidence is showing that human-induced climate change may be happening even faster than expected. It is clear to us that the need for ambitious and long-term action is becoming ever more urgent." The group suggested the government should seek the maximum possible cuts under the next phase of the European emissions trading scheme.

In response to the oft-heard lament that regulation threatens economic growth, the business leaders countered that it would provide opportunities, offering British businesses an advantage in global markets for new technologies.

Needless to say, environmental groups applauded the companies' progressive action. Now if we could only bring some of that enlightenment to business groups over here.


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