Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hallelujah! Evangelicals go green!

This old agnostic confesses to castigating evangelical Christians as among the worst of environmental sinners. I had pictured them as believing our planet was nothing more than a God-given resource to be exploited at the whims of God's chosen species. I had assumed further they not only didn't care about global warming, but possibly even saw it as part of God's plan: when the Last Judgment descended upon us, true believers would be raptured up to Heaven while the rest of us burned in eternity as the Earth was transformed into another Venus.

And now, to my great delight, it appears I may be wrong. According to Time Magazine, eighty-six evangelical Christian leaders in the United States have launched a campaign to educate Christians about climate change and urge their government to curb global warming.

Actually, I am not entirely wrong. Some conservative Christian leaders oppose the initiative and have demanded their brothers and sisters desist from their wicked ways. Nonetheless, this is a signal moment in our progress toward environmental sanity.

It seems miracles may be possible after all.


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